The story was cute but was basically about one very lucky man with very little talent (he never did repeat his success with any other horse as far as I know) and a strong desire to show off.
Hated the writing. The author explained the "horsey" parts of the book to the readers like they were 5 years old. Until I read something elsewhere, I assumed she had absolutely no knowledge of anything to do with horses and was just trying to put as much useless horse knowledge she could muster into one book. I also had a good laugh when she referred the the harsh use of things like spurs and crops by other people and the main character's soft gentle way of riding. Seriously, lets make every rider that has ever used a crop or spurs sound awful and terrible even though most riders use them in a safe and non-threatening way.
Seriously, there are far better horse books out there, don't waste your time with this one. I am sure you can get the entire story of this pair, without all the fluff, in a couple pages on a website somewhere.